Thursday, December 3, 2015

Reflection Rough Draft

Before starting any course for school, I like to make a list of goals to make sure I stay motivated throughout the course. Sometimes I have specific goals but I like to have overall goals to not get overly stressed out.  The goals I made before taking ENG 122 were to give myself time to write and revise my papers. I am very bad at making my do dates on papers so turning my papers in on time was another goal. I also wanted to improve and add on to my vocabulary. The last goal I made was learn to use MLA format correctly. By the end of the semester, I still neglected on turning my papers and assignments in on time. I also still needed to work on working my essays out more. Starting with rough drafts and then moving on to the final draft. One thing I did master from my goals was MLA format.
            While researching the different topics I had throughout the semester, I definitely discovered new information per topic. There was always something new to learn and to read about. I learned how to use my library database and how to work my way around each database. The best part within my papers was getting to write about what I am passionate about. In my essays I predict my instructor would most enjoy my topic and arguments. I argue about real topics that are not typically talked about but are very important in today. The topics are very interesting and easy to understand to the reader. These topics need to be talked about more, which is why I chose them.
I have definitely improved with my web skills during my time in this class. I now know which phrases to plug into research web sites. I also learned about our library having their own personal database that includes scholarly information. These databases also have access to books that I didn’t know of before taking this course.
While writing my research paper I learned a lot of different things. Researching is not my favorite because I would rather write from my point of view. Although I did enjoy learning about different topics and reading about other topics I am passionate about. One thing that was difficult in the beginning was siting my sources. I also had trouble with in text citations. An easy factor was having the information in front of me and writing about it just like that. Honestly I should have spent more time researching over my topics weekly, but overall I think I explained and made the reader understand my topics. I think I could adjust my pointers by having a bigger variety of them. I could also add more sources to my research. Some helpful hints for researching that could be good for other ENG 122 students that I have discovered is not asking a direct question while on research sites. I also figured out that there is a specific section in Google that is for researching and it is called Google scholarly. This section of Google helped me find specific pieces for my papers and direct quotes I needed.

            During my time in this course I definitely saw an improved as a student within myself. I accomplished goals I had, and learned about things I hadn’t known before taking this course. I enjoyed improving my writing skills and adding to my vocabulary. This course taught me how to express myself through my writing and I appreciate it very much.

1 comment:

  1. Remember you're in ENG 121, not ENG 122. :)
    Go through as you revise and look for spelling errors/typos.
